

Oh, the irony.

with my copyright paper, i feel like Justice Blackmun and Sony. (scroll down, it's the first post of the same title - at the bottom - of that archive).

i don't feel like Blackmun because of his reasoning, per se...but because of my (is that a word? it's almost 5 am).

As Ms. Greenhouse put it on page 121: "[I]t was typical of Blackmun to hold fast to territory he had staked out and to become deeply invested in its defense." This was certainly true in Sony, where Blackmun was assigned to write the majority opinion affirming, but he ended up having to convert his opinion into a dissent. He was outmanuevered by Justice Stevens and was his own worst enemy in losing a fragile, but sustainable 6-3 majority.

He stated: "Five votes are not that important to me when I feel that proper legal principles are involved." As I pointed out, the result of his refusal to budge was a majority opinion (by Justice Stevens) that was far worse, from Blackmun's perspective, than any changes Blackmun had been asked to make.

this copyright paper is taking me way too long b/c as a Gen-X (sub-gen MTV or sub-gen Boomerang) (sidenote: i love these expressions, i can't stop using them)...these policy issues - each concurring opinion's implications in Grokster - mean too much to me.

i can't "simply" decide whether to codify secondary liability. everytime i read a law review article or a case, something else gets into my mind.

where are my legal writing TA skills? short. concise. rule. application. Red pen, come back to me!!

**update: i feel that this makes me seem un-Blackmun b/c i'm wishy washy as to "new ideas"...but really, its more about me having a strong opinion & not wanting to budge...even though i know its a harder argument to make.


Sarah Silverman - The Only Jewish Girl Who Says More Inappropriate Things Than Me!!!

B/c i actually have to start writing this copyright paper & stop researching (read: procrastinating). i have no blog posts. instead, i have the "best of the best" of my recent procrastination for you.

The movie

The Aristocrats joke she is getting sued over

Intellectuals must think she's impressive if she made it into The New Yorker

“I was raped by a doctor,” she says. “Which is so bittersweet for a Jewish girl.”

The Onion's e-mail interview

AVC: Do you really prefer e-mail interviews? Really? Isn't this just more work for you?

SS: No. Much better. Because I can say things like, "You are a fucking idiot! That question is stupid!" and retarded things like that to a nice girl who is just doing her job and actually very well. In person I'm way too nice and my heart would break to be so rude.

AVC: Do you have a ranking system in your mind for which publications get live interviews (The New Yorker, Heeb) and which don't (The A.V. Club)? And if so, is there anything we can do to change our ranking?

SS: I try to do everything by email. If they refuse, then I decide if it's something I have to do or not. I'm shy. Okay? Stop riding me you weasely queer.

Rolling Stone calls her a dirty rotten princess

She doesn't want to get married, either, though she doesn't have a joke about that. "I don't want to be part of some club that doesn't include everybody," she says. "Also, I don't want to be called 'wife.' I see too many guys in my world say the word 'wife' and roll their eyes. Jimmy and I are totally committed, I say we're 'life partners,' but I don't know that I want him to feel like he's got me. Getting married would take away a little of the romance. Plus I don't want to move into his house -- it's not decorated at all how I would do it, so why would I live there? I love my place, and I'm saving up to buy an apartment. Maybe ten years from now, it would be great to live together."

or wait, maybe i like this one from there...

"Zoloft might've affected my sex drive, but I needed it," she says later. "I was out of control."

or wait, again...

"I can't believe anyone not being interested in exploring taboos," Silverman says in her defense. "Maybe it is the thing where a Catholic-school worker needs only to see the word 'pussy' to get off, but a sex worker needs ten midgets and a juggler. A comic needs to make jokes about the most taboo topics, about race or AIDS or fucked-up sex, to be able to get the belly laugh, for themselves."

and obviously, the wiki

if only i dated Jewish people!!

Change of Pace

So, my schedule is totally reversed. Thanks a lot, Finals! I'm going to bed at 4 or 4:30 and waking up no earlier than 1 or 2 pm (in other words, 3 pm) (except for the day of my education law final). I'm also having these lucid dreams that make me want to stay in dreamworld longer (in one of my last dreams I was hiking with my old crew coach up this completely vertical mountain - it was okay that it was completely vertical though because we had picks (?) and the mountain was the type of rock that is more like foam. Anyway, in my dream, i *needed* to hike with him because he is now a lawyer who could *maybe* get me a job). I guess it's either hiking or getting up & looking at my messy apartment and working on my copyright paper that's confusing the hell out of me! decide.

In other news, the other day (specifically 5.1.06) i talked with one of my ex-boyfriends. It was his birthday. (for sake of anonymity, i won't post his name. but, for the sake of humor (or irony), i will post his mom's website that i found a few years back...isn't his mom pretty...not to mention brilliant?)

anyway, the talk was pretty enlightening. I'll point out the highlights here so i can remember them. i've edited out our witty sidenote banter (arguably "the good stuff") & added some things to further explain (mostly in parentheses).

me: i wanna move to philly to be close to my sister during her last year of high school. (it will be the last time, for awhile at least, that we'll both live in the same city...she may be off to ann arbor after high school....)

him: i would recommend against that. it would be nice as a bonus but i wouldn't allow being near your sister to be a sole motivator and driving force of your decision of where to go after law school you should follow the opportunities.

me: i thought about that...& i don't want to be all law student (argumentative) but i disagree. for example, pitt was the best law school i got into which is why i came here but say i hate the opportunites (i.e. Pitt or law school in general) i have nothing else here that makes me happy

him: oh... well i'd just say that attempting to fulfill your destiny can be a risky proposition. also, the absence of evidence isn't the evidence of absence...anyway, i'm not one to argue with the maxim 'do what makes you happy' i would just add 'make sure that you're not just doing what allows you to avoid being uncomfortable' because sometimes people confound being happy with being comfortable, and i've found that some of the least happy times in my life have been when i was the most comfortable. but i'll leave you with this dr. seuss quote "be who you are and say what you feel because those that mind don't matter and those that matter don't mind"

me: i think that's true (re: both the uncomfort level & the Dr. Seuss quote). but [my desire to be uncomfortable] is exactly why i went out to sell books**. but i'm sick of following "the hard path" b/c it just leaves me lonely.

him: yeah, you're right.

me: sometimes comfort is good.

him: you're right. you have to find a middle path...

me: we're both right.

** briefly, b/c i've probably blogged/talked to *you* about this before, but for those who don't know - i sold books door-to-door after my freshman year of college. moved out to california, knocked on doors to find a place to live. first lived with an alcoholic mother & her 15 year old son with cat pee everywhere. second, lived with a nice man - who was a yearbook photographer - & ended up not wanting to have 2 young girls live with him so as not to create any suspicions. third, lived in a trailor in an older couple's driveway. all the while, knocking on doors to make a living & getting spit on, yelled at constantly. talk about taking a Jewish East Coast brat out of her comfort zone. Did i mention that i'm a late bloomer so this was also my "awkward" phase (yes, at at 18...although arguably i had a few awkward phases...)? i was on the heavier side, with an awful haircut, glasses, & braces. NERD ALERT!! **

anyway, i've reflected a lot on this...because Doug (other exboyfriend) would always yell at me for *wanting* to always feel uncomfortable & *needing* to feel uncomfortable...(his argument was that i liked to bring drama to my life on purpose...). So, why the change? Why all of the sudden (since my second year of law school, actually) do I want to go home? Did this mean that I agree with Doug & that I should try to be more comfortable? (not that it's a bad thing to agree with Doug, although we were kinda (!) competitive/stubborn/etc.).

I thought about it enough that i felt the need to really think through my decision...or figure out my reasons for wanting to move to Philadelphia...and not follow "opportunities" (all this is assuming there are *no* opportunities in Philadelphia...)

I think that no doubt my sister is a big part of it. I was never close with her before I went to college (by not close i mean, i never talked to her...what does a teen want to do with a little sister who is seven years younger?) & I probably became close with her around my junior year of college. now, she + me are like this (fingers twisted).

But, I don't think that my sister (or anyone else in my family) would have changed my life-long goal of being uncomfortable in a situation. As much as I hate it, I think Doug's right (grrr...i hate when doug is right) in the fact that I love it (where it = "being uncomfortable"). So, although it looks like I'm headed back to a comfortable situation (think: home is where the heart is...), it's actually completely the opposite.

I've run away from Philadelphia since I've been 17 years old - or all of my adult life. I went back for two summers for more than four weeks...the first summer, i hardly left my house (except for to rent all of the indie movies i missed out on while growing up and to drive my brother to & from art school)...the second summer, i worked at Borders & refused to talk to anyone from my high school. i figured i changed too much & i didn't want to give anyone the time of day. (My hometown is for the rich, the successful. after i went off to college (see: ann arbor hipsters/hippies), I just wanted to be an advocate for the underprivileged, the underrepresented. my hometown & i just didn't mix.)

Now, it's even worse because Doug lives in Philadelphia. I'm terrified to even be around him. (See: bringing my sister with me so doug could see Freddi, the rabbit we bought together & who lives with me, but also so i wouldn't have to be alone with him). And, not only does he live there, he has a life that he loves. He has all honors in his classes; a clique of friends; a girlfriend that he loves. He is *way* more comfortable in a city that is supposed to be my hometown! (even though all last year, I had to *plead* with him to apply to schools there once i decided i wanted to go to philadelphia after graduation...). all of this just makes me feel even more inadequate (& trust me, i already have enough self-esteem issues!!). it's worse b/c...well, pretty's much easier to not see someone when you don't live in the same city as him...(thankfully doctors & lawyers hate one that pretty much assures we won't run in the same crowd...)., it's worse b/c i don't want to leave my current relationship...(nor do i want to make him not follow "the opportunities")...and...pittsburgh is (sorta) comfortable...

anyway...this is a lot of blogging & i've hardly hit the tip of the iceberg (of my emotions) & probably bored the hell out of anyone who read this far down. I just mean to say that I think moving to Philadelphia will be anything but comfortable and I'll probably learn a hell of a lot about myself...but that's what i always grow...and not *just* be comfortable...

but finally i want that middle ground. finally i (am mature enough to) want (need?) to grow along side of my family...with them there as my support...


Can I speak more eloquently?

whoooohoooo!!!! i am finished with Education law. I fixed my blogger (it wouldn't post before...actually, i didn't fix much but it finally does post). I am ready to.....start my copyright paper!!!

anyway, i've realized today what a law school exam will do to your head. after my education law exam, i saw a girl who also watches Veronica Mars & i tried talking theories...I was all "like, you know that girl that is a step-mom" (Kendall)...she totally gave Veronica her std" "that Iraq guy, he said car bombs in Iraq" (Lucky)...

whew. if i ever have to give a speech, remind me not to do it after taking a three hour in class exam.



i'm officially sick of education law.

tomorrow at 4 pm when this final is over. I'm going to have a beer.

then start on my copyright paper. (ick.)

then finish my copyright paper.

then revise my seminar paper from last semester to turn into the Int'l & Comparative law certificate program (just changing the small grammatical edits...thanks to my two wonderful seminar professors!!).

then buy a dress.

then it's off to Atlanta on Friday. to see one hot babe have a bridal shower. (the weekend is packed with events. i'm not sure what to wear or what half of them are. so, it will be funny when i show up in shorts & flip flops & sunglass & everyone else is dressed in proper Southern attire...whatever that may be...).

then i come back only to revise my copyright paper. revise a story.

and then i'll be finished!!!!


You don't have to speak French

to enjoy this trailer.

[versus what's out in America "teaser trailer"]

[ full recognition that i may lose some/all devoted blog readers (if i have any other than rustedjesus who is currently out of the office), i'm not such a *huge* fan of "Lost in Translation"...but i am a fan of Kirsten Dunst...I can't help it. I loved Interview with the Vampire when I was in middle school...yes, middle school...not junior high...]

Plus, Sofia Coppola + Kirsten Dunst = proven greatness

The Music

someone near and dear to me pointed out that the American version plays New Order's "Age of Consent" and the other version plays New Order's "Ceremony" (which is technically a Joy Division song) for those of us who are keeping track...]. Sofia Coppola is known for using hipster music (see: Air w/ Virgin Suicides, My Bloody Valentine/Kevin Shields w/ Lost in Translation). But, after my urge for sleuthing, I figured there has to be something more poetic. I mean, for Christ's sake, we're talking about Sofia Coppola.

so, for those of us who are not well-educated in history...the life. (wiki: where we go in the modern era).

the cliff notes

She stepped lightly down from the cart and stared up at the guillotine. The priest who had accompanied her whispered, "This is the moment, Madame, to arm yourself with courage." Marie Antoinette turned to look at him and smiled, "Courage? The moment when my troubles are going to end is not the moment when my courage is going to fail me." Legend states that her last words were "Monsieur, I ask your pardon. I did not do it on purpose," spoken after she had stepped on the executioner's foot.

and for those of us who are not well-educated in music, the bio.

Rising from the ashes of the legendary British post-punk unit Joy Division, the enigmatic New Order triumphed over tragedy to emerge as one of the most influential and acclaimed bands of the 1980s

maybe the link has to do with living in the shadows of your own reputation. and how that's both triumphant and tragic. always controversial and courageous.

** I will also footnote that the same person who pointed out the two New Order songs also pointed out that he didn't like the Sex Pistols font...despite the fact that,

New Order's origins officially date back to mid-1976, when guitarist Bernard Sumner (formerly Albrecht) and bassist Peter Hook -- inspired by a recent Sex Pistols performance -- announced their intentions to form a band of their own.

see? details.

and for the comparison.

(personally, i think Kirsten is sexier. N'est-elle pas?)