now that i'm in bar exam mode i can't formulate complete sentences. i *really* hope this condition doesn't show up on the bar exam.
"Battery is like, you know, that action that's like offensive or whatever."
other bad things i've started saying (b/c i have no time to say anything else...)
obv (or ovi)
then there is the obv(ious) "Ew" that is a(n unfortunate) staple to my vocabulary & that you're certain to pick up & start using if you hang out with me for too long.
despite countless attempts to strip myself of all of the negative stereotypes, i guess my default is to talk like an east coast valley girl, i.e. someone from the
the Main Line.
The Main Line is a collection of affluent towns in suburban Philadelphia named after the Main Line of the Pennsylvania Railroad (currently Amtrak's Keystone Corridor and SEPTA's R5 line). The Main Line suburbs, some of the wealthiest in the United States, are situated west of the city.
a list of irrational things that i am worried about for the bar exam:- getting too tired after lunch
- breaking my "seal" & having to pee like 15 times during the afternoon portion of the exam
- whether or not to study tomorrow (the day before)
- Laughing ("LOL'ing") at the ridiculous fact patterns of some of these questions (i can't help but laugh when i'm studying alone!)
- saying god bless you if the person next to me sneezes.
- that i'm not allowed to bring my keys in (why don't they explicitly write keys on the sheet if they write everything else? - i was going to make a parol evidence joke here, but i'm not going down that path)
and as a confidence builder (because this post screams "whew, at least she's taking the bar exam, there's one person i'm gonna beat")- i'm not going to worry about sleep. while i know it's good to get a good night's sleep the night before, if i worry it will make it less likely for me to actually get to i've been telling myself that running on adrenaline is enough (okay, maybe that's not such a good confidence builder).