

Implementing Bad_idea_jeans' use of FNs

As I told Erik tonight, sometimes I feel like I’m a peeping tom. Well, at first, I compared myself to G-d FN1 looking down below, but then I deflated my ego to peeping tom level. (This is after Erik professed how I was a g-d-send because I picked him up when he was stranded at the bus stop 10 minutes before class started – only to drop him off at 9:00 a.m. on the dot).

First I’ll take more of a detour then I’ll come back to my point…

So at the auction tonight, I kept making up descriptions of myself. Check it:

Q: Why can’t I plan a summer trip in February?
A: I’m not a planner in advancer.

Q: Why did Erik compare me to the Fiddler from Fiddler on the roof?
A: Because I am a bringer togetherer.

Yes, we were talking about my bringer-togetherer skills, which I’ve honed since freshman year of college (probably earlier, in fact, I can remember making a match on the see-saw when I was in lower school FN2 but we’ll stick with post-drivers license age).

These skills are pretty self-explanatory but to sum up, they allow me to bring like kin together. Sometimes though when I bring cool people together – they like being together so much I begin to feel like an outsider. I’m outside watching really cool people become really good friends. And, I know I can join in but sometimes I forget how.

Don't get me wrong, I like bringing cool people together. It’s my greatest character flaw. It relegates me to a perpetual state of plasma. And, I understand that to keep the PH at 7.4 is important but sometimes I just want to be involved in the action– sometimes I really just want to be part of the group that gets to carry oxygen. FN3

Now Playing: Odyssey and Oracle by the Zombies

Comment about my Now Playing:

- Matt E. introduced me to the Zombies some time ago. I had heard of the Zombies but I always figured they were “scary” – both from their name and because all famous bands that I don’t know too well but feel like I should know well scare me. Example: Pearl Jam.

- I find them delicious to my ears.

- I love how the #1 song’s first line is “Good Morning to You…”; the perfect first line to wake up to

- From the liner notes:

Shakespeare said

“Be not afraid;
The isle is full of noises
Sound, and sweet airs that give delight and hurt not.
Sometimes a thousand twanging instruments
Will hum about mine ears; and sometimes voices”

Really music is a very personal thing; it’s the product of a person’s experiences. Since no two people have been exactly alike, each writer has something unique to say. That makes anything which is not just a copy of something else worth listening to.

FN1: Gotta love Hebrew school for teaching you how to spell G-d and still be able throw out the piece of paper (website?)

FN2: private schools housing grades K-12 have lower school, middle school and upper school – at least mine did

FN3: I don’t know science. I studied English and economics in college.


Gambling Addiction

Tonight is the night for people like me because an auction is a much more social place to lose money than a gas station lottery ticket dispenser.



I know for some this will not be remarkable. And by "some" I mean people over 25 or people from the south or small, Christian towns. Yes, again I am stereotyping.

But, suffice it to say, two of my good friends are getting married to their lovers this summer. Not only that but one of my already-married friends (yea, i can't even believe I have one of those) is expecting his first baby!

Okay, I know this isn't so impressive to others but please bear with me. I'm like a girl who blossoms her senior year of high school. This readjustment is both painful and exciting. (yes, i did just compare having married friends to my period). Painful because I am 23 and I long for my youth (law school does that) and exciting because I am entering a new stage of life (even if I did just pass through that very door labeled "grown up"). Plus, it helps reassure that I am mature.

Okay, sorry, quarter-life realization moment.

On another semi-non-related note:
today I saw a man walking with a baby, who was probably his grandson. You know how there is that cliche how men like to walk with babies to gain attention from women? I think if I were to be writing a story about a male protagonist, especially a depressed male protagonist, I would want him to have an addiction to carrying babies because that is the only thing that makes him feel proud of himself, regardless if they are his babies or not. (Ooooo, the plot thickens: a misunderstood baby thief who is simply needs his fix of carrying babies to help his ego). Because you know what? I've never seen people's eyes twinkle as much as they do around babies and ice cream.



I was invited to the TransAfrica Forum with the president of the NLG!


good weekend

I had a great weekend hanging out with friends (minus the Eagles loss).

Again, in my perfect world:

I think it should be mandatory to listen to comedians while you drive (to ameliorate the Pittsburgh angry honking fetish). I think we should be able to sleep late on Mondays. And, I think that good weekends are mandatory so we can start off the week fresh and rejuvenated. That means, if you don't do it right the first time, try, try again.

The PLISF auction is on Thursday night. Doug and I are taking the bus to school (if only I could find my Pitt ID!) Last year, I tried to win lunch with my con law professor. (Why o'why do I love professor brake?). Well, I guess I should say I didn't try - with my arch-enemy bidding against me, there was no way I wasn't bringing her down. (Praise my mom's credit card!) But then, when we set our actual date to go to lunch, I gave myself strept throat. (for some reason, I always wanted it when I was a kid...yea, its not all its cracked up to be. I didn't even lose my voice. Next time, I'm gunning for laryngitis). I missed lunch with Professor Brake and a really cool attorney (no idea who she is, but that is what I heard).

This year I'm hoping for better. Plus, as I learned last weekend, you just gotta start your weekend on Thursday night.



in mourning.