

THE BEST commercial -- the most random...

Before I let you in on my vote lemme preface by saying I hate bad advertising. I know that I talked about my feminism rage against the media but I just think that lame commercials shouldn't waste their time or mine. At least if you are trying to make me into a mindless consumer, take advantage of me, entrance me, so I at least forget that you are really just trying to induce me to go out and by something I don't need.

Commercials I hate the most -- ones that use animals. Especially animal puppets. Top two that come to mind: the old Blockbuster commercial and the Geico commercial. HUGE CORPORATIONS!!!! c'mon now, I know you have more money to dedicate from your budget to actually hire creative people.

But, I have to admit, although I'm not sure exactly *what* kind of animal it is (or if its an "animal") in the the Quiznos commercials (perhaps rats?) but the latino mariachi 'things' (if you will) hi-pitched singing "Eat Quiznos subs" "We have a pepper bar"...all I know is that is (low-budget) GENIUS.

The couple on the bus.

Every morning I try and leave my house at 9:26 to make the bus. This is quite a task for me because usually i end up falling asleep at 3:45 or so and I am not good on less than 6 hours of sleep. (Those who *really* know me, know I'm not really good on less than 12 hours of sleep). anyway, so getting up and getting motivated is pretty hard for me. Picture this: i'm that girl whose mom woke her up for high school by throwing ice water on her before high school.

So -- what does motivate me to get up in the morning? Yup, thats right...the couple on the bus.

Who are they? Not sure. They just ride the 71C with me if I get outside by 9:30. If I don't then they aren't on my bus, which is ashame. Why do they intrigue me? I'm not sure, but lemme explain them.

Okay -- the girl -- she is probably about 200 or so pounds. She wears all black. A black turtle neck and a black wool skirt with doc marten boots and a black jacket, down to her hips. And yes, its the same outfit everyday. EVERYDAY. She can't go home and wash it. It perplexes me. She has red hair and glasses. And huge lips that she paints with brown/red lipstick. She has pale skin and a mean face. She is always bitching about something. Could be anything. but i imagine she is a theater major (she looks like that type) and so I am guessing everything is just drama.

The boy -- he always tries comforting her. He is always stroking her and looking at her longingly. He is pushy to get a seat next to her, so he can pet her hand. What does she do? Usually just makes him feel shitty and snubs him constantly. Yet, he affectionately takes it. What does he look like? He is probably a few inches shorter than her with curly brown hair, glasses and pale skin. He looks like he played with magic cards and talked physics with his friends. He wears the same outfit everyday which includes black reebok sneakers -- you know the type. trust me. His hands (believe me, I notice his hands cause he is always touching his girl) are sooo! weird -- they look like webs kinda. Like he is a duck.

So, they always sit in the seats reserved for handicapped/old people too, which makes me mad. Not cause they do it, cause I do it too and so does everyone else. But because they don't STAND UP when a handicapped/old person gets on the bus. Its so rude. Its a silent agreement, a rotation, when its your turn to offer your seat you do it, and they are always defiant.

That's all. I'm not really sure why I have a fascination with them. Probably mostly cause they are "extras in my life". They give me a reason to get up in the morning even if its just to stare at how someone can be so mean to her boyfriend and her boyfriends deformed hands.


KWUSTUD: did doug have fun
alwayssneakers: yea, he thinks you are a pussy though
KWUSTUD: oh well
KWUSTUD: i am what i eat:-P
alwayssneakers: o, so i should call you big fat dick?
alwayssneakers: LOL
KWUSTUD: well then i would be what i have
alwayssneakers: um, i really don't want to hear about your dildos
alwayssneakers: LOL
KWUSTUD: funny person
KWUSTUD: shoulda been a comedian
alwayssneakers: *taking a bow*
alwayssneakers: would've surely beat law school


cool website (i'm obsessed with postcards to hang on my walls)


Ah, such limited time with sex and the city finales and law school prom that my blog is getting little attention.

which is a shame b/c both sex and the city and law school prom piss me off majorly.

For those who have heard this already -- I was so angry with Sex and the City. True i'm not a fan (i've watched like 4 episodes) so maybe I just "missed" the point...but when Sex and the City began it was a 4 women and a look into their lives which included meeting weekly at a restaurant sitting around talking about their latest "fuck" or "fling".

It was okay, finally, on TV for women to have sex and talk about sex. It was also okay for these to be 4 professional women. And, it was also okay for them to have their own sense of style.

I guess after thinking what it was about and actually watching it -- I found that my ideas of what I thought the show represented were a little too idealistic.

For those who missed the finale on Sunday, the culmination of my anger (and the show) was for all four women to live "happily ever after" with the man of their choice. Somehow, all their problems were somewhat resolved and whatever problems may come up in the future were no problem -- these 4 women before armed with crude language and vulnerability, now had a clique of their own, and men to stand beside them all the way.

Now, I will be the first to admit that I have the most fantastic relationship so am I a sell out?

I don't think you have to not have relationship with men to be a feminist and preach female ideals. And if this was the premise of Sex and the City I might not be too angry.

Yet, the S & C girls are women, although open, honest, and lascivious, still just striving to be the pretty princess, swept away off her feet (in paris nonetheless), wearing Mahnolo Blahnik shoes (yes! i finally know they are the sex and the city shoes).

Yea, fucking right.

And seriously? who gets along that great with their girl friends -- or, shall I say with three girlfriends simultaneously? didn't you read my blog about "jakkas"?

Thats why law school prom makes me mad too. I see the strongest women I know in law school turn silly over law school prom. And, unfortunately, I was included.

But what does that say? Does that say that we need dances to make us happy? We want to be Cinderella?

No, it says that the media infiltrates women rolemodels who are hypocritical and b/c cloaked as "real women" they aren't. In the end, the show merely boosts female insecurities similar to ads who sexualize women (freakin' supermodels) while they are eating -- like hey girls, its okay, grab a chocolate bar, and be skinny like me and wanted, and loved by men.

The next ad campaign: Don't grab a chocolate bar when you are miserable, grab it cause you are marvelous *wink wink*

It's the mask of "strong" or "independent" women that kills me. Sex and the city -- (yes, i'm speaking to a show that is now off the air) -- to make me happy just admit that you are a modern day romance film or the TV version of Bridget Jones' Diary.

And females: maybe you will find true love, maybe all your proms will be perfect, maybe you will have enough money to buy a wardrobe you can always show off, maybe you will be lucky enough to find 3 great girlfriends who you can call at any hour...but trust me (here, I will get into feminine mode and knock out a clothing metaphor) those are only accessories to an already kick-ass outfit.