

copyright infringement

so someone I know...whose name i won't reveal...but who is obsessed with Veronica Mars (*cough cough*)...and who hasn't seen season trying to convert all of season 2's episodes that s/he downloaded off the internet to files that are readable on his/her iPod.

Now, this girl (or boy) has a program to turn other files into files that are readable on his/her iPod. E.g. to convert windows media files (um, can windows and apple just get along?).

Anyway, s/he googled: ffmpegX video ipod and guess what was the first hit?

HOWTO put porn on your iPod

OMG, like, how did they know!?!?!?!?

dude, could you imagine if i watched the paris hilton video (yes, the full length w/ color) (yes, the only porn I own on my computer) on the bus ride to school?

I may not be 40...

but this is so me!


green coat

Dear world,

i remember two years ago, I bought a long green pea coat. I loved it (and still do). I think that everywhere I went with my long green pea coat I would get complimented. I remember a gas station in the middle of Pennsylvania and the clerk (aptly named Melissa, which is why i remember) called out my awesome fashion sense. I remember the only person who hated my coat was my mom who made fun of me for weeks. Now, tell me world, why does everyone have a green coat now? I can't help but not want to wear mine. Fuck, my coat is two years old and faded and all the new green coats look much nicer and more fitted than mine. But, damn, I got mine first (*stomp stomp*).

Life is so unfair.

ps. i forgot about online comics!. so good!

pps. Blogging has turned into the thing to do at Pitt law especially among 2Ls. I liked the law school bloggers last year!! (*whine whine*). if only bad_idea_jeans would come back!! (again, *stomp stomp*)



I love the source and the force.




I think fireworks are pretty. I like the sound. But they also freakin' scare me. As do Steelers fans. Thankfully, the Steelers won. We can't afford any deaths or heart attacks around here.

Thank you Kiren! I really like the Architecture in Helsinki cd.

Oh, i finished my 2nd music monsters mix. i like it much better than my first.