green coat
Dear world,
i remember two years ago, I bought a long green pea coat. I loved it (and still do). I think that everywhere I went with my long green pea coat I would get complimented. I remember a gas station in the middle of Pennsylvania and the clerk (aptly named Melissa, which is why i remember) called out my awesome fashion sense. I remember the only person who hated my coat was my mom who made fun of me for weeks. Now, tell me world, why does everyone have a green coat now? I can't help but not want to wear mine. Fuck, my coat is two years old and faded and all the new green coats look much nicer and more fitted than mine. But, damn, I got mine first (*stomp stomp*).
Life is so unfair.
ps. i forgot about online comics!. so good!
pps. Blogging has turned into the thing to do at Pitt law especially among 2Ls. I liked the law school bloggers last year!! (*whine whine*). if only bad_idea_jeans would come back!! (again, *stomp stomp*)
i remember two years ago, I bought a long green pea coat. I loved it (and still do). I think that everywhere I went with my long green pea coat I would get complimented. I remember a gas station in the middle of Pennsylvania and the clerk (aptly named Melissa, which is why i remember) called out my awesome fashion sense. I remember the only person who hated my coat was my mom who made fun of me for weeks. Now, tell me world, why does everyone have a green coat now? I can't help but not want to wear mine. Fuck, my coat is two years old and faded and all the new green coats look much nicer and more fitted than mine. But, damn, I got mine first (*stomp stomp*).
Life is so unfair.
ps. i forgot about online comics!. so good!
pps. Blogging has turned into the thing to do at Pitt law especially among 2Ls. I liked the law school bloggers last year!! (*whine whine*). if only bad_idea_jeans would come back!! (again, *stomp stomp*)
Weren't we going to compose an open letter to someone? Did we say that? I think we did, but I can't remember now. I like open letters. I enjoyed this one. You should compose one to your green coat.
Kiren, at 3:32 AM
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