


where are you??!?!?!

(see: blogs, Rusted Jesus, blogspot (on right!))


  • Wow, that's quite a comment. I'm suprised, truth, that you took the time to keep it real for Melissa when there are such important things happening in the world such as the government's illegal wire tapping, Iran and North Korea Nuclear crisis, genocide in Sudan and most of East Africa, torture in U.S. prisons, finance scandal in U.S. government...

    It's also quite fun to name a person who has carefully remained anonymous for good reason and then to sign out as "truth." You should at least capitalize your name, Truth, you owe yourself that much. Maybe.

    Truth, my friend, do you have a blog that we could take a gander at? Maybe throw an insult or two at? Blogs such as "Procrastination" are not posted for persons such as yourself to unleash your own personal insecurities upon. They are written for their readers to experience the writer's state of mind, point of view, or general opinions. The readers are free to react, most definitely. So, yes, you are free to your own opinion about Procrastination. But I'm afraid you have done nothing but make a fool or yourself for insulting someone who asked for nothing but an open ear.

    Truth, I await your response with great anticipation. I predict it will in some way address the validity or value of my own blog. I suppose you will say something of the like:

    RustedJesus, a.k.a. Kiren (since you seem to know everyone's name), your blog is familiar, unoriginal, and pathetic. It is a desperate call for attention in which you speak of nothing intelligent and yet demand of your readers a recongnization of your own inflated ego/intellect.

    Truth, I thank you for your attention to the matter. I will certainly ignore anything you say from this point on.

    By Blogger Kiren, at 12:55 AM  

  • Kirin,
    your post had merit. my response wasn't meant to be mean-spirited, and if it came across as that, well...take it as it is. but, the comment about "maids" and "growing up rich" - i disagree with this blogger's point. there is a difference between being "proud of who you are" and flaunting it, nay, showing it off. It's the kind of think that you keep private. No need to brag. Not everyone was as fortunate as you...i certainly was not.

    By the way, Mr. Kirin, you said:

    "Truth, I await your response with great anticipation."

    Then you said:

    "I will certainly ignore anything you say from this point on."

    We call that "Contradiction."

    Anyway, toodles.


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:55 PM  

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