


it doesn't run in my family but i think i have the aptitude to start a new tradition.

how many nights of drinking per week makes you an alcoholic? i hope its more than three.

i'm not sure why i drink. it just makes me sadder. maybe that is the whole cycle.

At least I bought my Lambic Framboise in New jersey -- they have pretty sweet liquor laws there. I bought a case of Framboise, wine-sized bottles, @ $7.17/bottle. That is really cheap. Especially compared to Pennsylvania.

I think I want to work for a judge in NJ or PA. i'm not sure why. maybe i should figure that out before i draft a cover letter.


  • MJ--in my experience as an aspiring alcoholic, it's not so much many nights you do drink, but how many nights you don't. Like golf, the lower the better. In addition, the reason why you drink is very important, if you drink to escape from everyday life, to numb the pain, to feel better, you are well on your way.

    As an aside, it doesn't really work, and your friends start not wanting to hang out with you. Because you'll find you'll stop being that fun/funny drunk, and soon you will be the sad/angry drunk. Which is no good.

    But how about this. How about sometime in August, I take a train down to Pitt and we drink our sorrows together, misery loves company, and it's always fun to commisserate.

    I haven't had a chance to listen to your mix too much yet. I've been goddamn swamped at work. and too tired to do anything when I get home. but I promise to give it a good listen to it this weekend and give you notes.

    otherwise you should write me that pen pal letter, tell me all about your woes, and i'll tell you mine.


    By Blogger Kiren, at 11:27 AM  

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