

no back issues necessary

Okay, new summer resolution - update the blog more often.

I'm sorry. I promise I will be back almost daily from now on. I finished finals (as I stated before), I broke up with Doug, I watched the three colors trilogy (finally!), I started working at the City of Pittsburgh and I blew about $1,500 on my credit card (not quite sure where i'll find this money). I got out of my funk of depression and anxiety & I'm a brand new person. I am finally cleaning my house too (we're talking dirt from february). I also wrote my summer "To-Do" list, which is constantly in flux. I know I will read some books, watch some movies, I will catch up on all the seasons of Queer as Folk, the Office (BBC version) and Oz. I will write more to my friends in distant places & return to writing letters (this includes to YOU, o' penpal, who knows who s/he is!!).

Pretty much, I'm back & instead of catching you guys up either later tonight or tomorrow I'll start up like I never left. No back issues necessary.


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