

stereotypes save time

Has anyone else seen that shirt advertised in some banner on the (c'mon when your reading your horoscopes or this weeks headlines?). Anyway, I think that the truth of the shirt is what makes it funny.

Lately, Doug and I have been competing at Jeopardy (what don't we compete at?) and of course he kicks my ass. (Esoteric knowledge that is favored in the jeopardy world is comprised of history and science...two subjects that Doug has the obvious upper hand in). Although, I do manage to get a few right like yesterday, i totally knew the one whose question was "What is Pittsburgh?" (Resident pride, baby, resident pride!).

But the most humorous part of Jeopardy, aside from Alec's attempt to always accent foreign words perfectly are the commercials.

If you watch Mtv's "Laguna Beach" let's just say (um, not that I have...c'mon its a cheap O.C. ripoff, I can wait to get my fix until Thursday...its not like I am addicted to Southern California or anything)...but let's just say you are watching that. The commercials are definitely along the lines of "Jamster ringtones" or Christina Aguilera ringtones.

During Jeopardy I feel like I'm tapped into middle-age culture just by watching their advertisements that are pre-packaged for the stereotypical "jeopardy audience". I know now that anti-depressants are the rage, that adult A.D.D. does affect everyday people at board meetings and even though I moved out of my parents house years ago, I am faintly reminded that as I age my bowels will become irregular.

I think a weekly fill of commercials from your unprewatched programming should be mandatory to keep you up to date on the other age brackets that make up society. Here's to living through TV!


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