


I don't necessarily like all things Swedish but I don't necessarily not like them either.

For instance, Doug is part Swedish. I like him.

I am Curious - Blue & Yellow. Those flicks are good. Not to mention one of my favorite "coming out" films "Show Me Love" even if it is (semi-)cheesy.

I was also proud of Freddiliscious - my Scandinavian Liberal Paradise on Nationstates (does Scandanavian count?).

Okay, Okay, Swedish fish, not so much. I think its because in Hebrew School, in grade "Heh" (or however its spelled) our teacher, Norman (who also ran that cool gameshow 'Unique' if you've ever heard of it) used to throw Swedish fish at us to get us to behave or if we got a question right about whatever we were questioned about in Hebrew School - the four questions of Passover? Hebrew History? How to say Mom?

Don't get me wrong - I like bribes. Especially bribes involving food in school. I've told some of you about how my favorite pop quiz but I'll tell the story again..... In 3rd grade, my library teacher (yes, I had a class called Library) said we were having a pop quiz. Thoughts immediately running through my head: Oh no! I didn't learn my dewey decimal system. I forget what a fable is? Is that supposed to have a moral or is that a tall tale? I should have read more books.... But then...the library teacher went back into her office to grab the pop quiz and came out with a big box of Dunkin' Donuts and quickly quizzed us on who could eat a donut the fastest. (I'm not sure if its a blessing or a curse but ever since anytime I heard "pop quiz" my first instinct is 'Yes! I am getting food!'). See? Proof that I like food bribes. But, I mean, Swedish fish getting chucked at your head? Eating them off the floor of a Har Zion classroom? Ick.

But, I am posting a recommendation for an awesome cd that I just purchased. Don't expect any of it to be in English.

Still, the album "ta det lugnt" by Dungen is really worthwhile. More plus points to the Swedes!

Finishing a book

Sometimes the best feeling is finishing a book.

When you turn the last page and you think you've managed to close the book forever, you feel a sense of accomplishment.

For a brief moment.

Only to realize you are subconsciously (or not) reflecting on the characters and what happens next and why this shouldn't have happened this way and by this time...the book is reopened in your hand and you are flipping through reanalyzing the plot with your expertise.

In comics, I think my favorite parts are the author's commentary. Maybe its the medium - maybe its b/c comics are for a "future generation" where intimate conversation and self-expression is held to the highest opinion...but I like being able to be in the author's head to know what he was thinking about and what provoked this story to come out of him (or her...).

I think that is my favorite part of writing stories...being able to share them with my friends and also explain why I was motivated to write them.

This is not to say I don't like reading between the lines. I love subtleties. But I also like connecting on deeper levels. And I like conversations that tell me your thoughts.