


i'm a contributor!

see you on the dark side!! is created by and made for (non)pretentious people who love:
culture, music, art, films, technology, magazines, politics, writing, science, comics, reading, organization, health, business, design, creativity, literature, sports, philosophy, mating rituals, & far too many other (non)obscure topics to list here.

it’s bringing together different people from different backgrounds writing on different topics. you can make your own identity & post on any topic you want. Unlike most blogs, is NOT subject specific (c.f. any of the gawker media blogs, IGN networks, etc.). it has the “staged” quality of the LonelyGirl phenomenon - people can pick a character and consistently write under that anonymous name. it also has the perk of being somewhat real…though, without faces, your writing DEFINES you.

think: part magazine, part personal diary, part virtual reality.

Questions? Feedback? Ideas? E-mail: editor at nonpretentious dot com.

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