Oh, the irony.
with my copyright paper, i feel like Justice Blackmun and Sony. (scroll down, it's the first post of the same title - at the bottom - of that archive).
i don't feel like Blackmun because of his reasoning, per se...but because of my ...er...steadfastness (is that a word? it's almost 5 am).
this copyright paper is taking me way too long b/c as a Gen-X (sub-gen MTV or sub-gen Boomerang) (sidenote: i love these expressions, i can't stop using them)...these policy issues - each concurring opinion's implications in Grokster - mean too much to me.
i can't "simply" decide whether to codify secondary liability. everytime i read a law review article or a case, something else gets into my mind.
where are my legal writing TA skills? short. concise. rule. application. Red pen, come back to me!!
**update: i feel that this makes me seem un-Blackmun b/c i'm wishy washy as to "new ideas"...but really, its more about me having a strong opinion & not wanting to budge...even though i know its a harder argument to make.
i don't feel like Blackmun because of his reasoning, per se...but because of my ...er...steadfastness (is that a word? it's almost 5 am).
As Ms. Greenhouse put it on page 121: "[I]t was typical of Blackmun to hold fast to territory he had staked out and to become deeply invested in its defense." This was certainly true in Sony, where Blackmun was assigned to write the majority opinion affirming, but he ended up having to convert his opinion into a dissent. He was outmanuevered by Justice Stevens and was his own worst enemy in losing a fragile, but sustainable 6-3 majority.
He stated: "Five votes are not that important to me when I feel that proper legal principles are involved." As I pointed out, the result of his refusal to budge was a majority opinion (by Justice Stevens) that was far worse, from Blackmun's perspective, than any changes Blackmun had been asked to make.
this copyright paper is taking me way too long b/c as a Gen-X (sub-gen MTV or sub-gen Boomerang) (sidenote: i love these expressions, i can't stop using them)...these policy issues - each concurring opinion's implications in Grokster - mean too much to me.
i can't "simply" decide whether to codify secondary liability. everytime i read a law review article or a case, something else gets into my mind.
where are my legal writing TA skills? short. concise. rule. application. Red pen, come back to me!!
**update: i feel that this makes me seem un-Blackmun b/c i'm wishy washy as to "new ideas"...but really, its more about me having a strong opinion & not wanting to budge...even though i know its a harder argument to make.
i read in today's wall street journal (yes, yes, i know... but it was $13 for a ten-week subscription and i love getting the paper every morning and the pittsburgh post-gazette suuucks...) -- i read that baby-boomers went up to 1964, after which it was gen x, through 1980 -- making gen y post 1981. and this little bit 'o news upset the me, ya know? b/c i really, really don't see myself as an x-generationer. i mean -- that's what i associate with the "reality bites" crowd of the early '90s. but now i'm just confused.
it's like the border between england and scotland -- both pretty similar places (n.england and s.scotland -- same language, same dreary weather, lots of sheep in either), but constantly changing hands. well, damn it now. am i english or scottish?
yesterday i was gen y -- today gen x -- now wikipedia says i could be gen x or this mtv generation (whatever that may be), but that i can't be gen y? in fact, i'm closer to qualifying as a "boomerang'er" than a gen-y'er?
no ma'am. no ma'am, indeed. i am a gen y'er. do you realize what it means if i'm a gen-x'er? i'm in a totally different generation than my sig other. not cool at all -- not one bit -- that's just creepy. so be a gen x'er if you please (join the english). but not me. no ma'am. not one bit for me please. i'm gen y.
congrats on law school btw!
mike w
Anonymous, at 12:37 AM
and (btw) i never even watched mtv! we didn't have cable until i was 14, and by that time it was far too late for me to be cool enough to ever qualify for a generation by that name... grumble, grumble... -mw
Anonymous, at 12:43 AM
i agree with you. i feel more connected to Gen Y than Gen X. (maybe it's because i have younger siblings...). I told Kirk that it's unfair to be the last year of a "generation" b/c you really don't get the "inside jokes" of the times. (Like, hello? i don't remember the Cold War - i was 10 - i cared more about ...whatever second-graders care about...).
but, i disagree with you because i'm making it a point to be in a different generation than my sig fig (remember chemistry class?...."sig fig" always pops into mind instead of sig other...). i'm a happy 24 - which means I'm just *starting* my mid twenties - & he's turning 28 in two weeks - which means he's entering into his late twenties/almost thirties. (sucker!). (probably a male/female thing though).
and i would've figured you were French by the spelling of your name.
(ps/ i'm not finished until this paper is finished & i just skipped out on one of my best friend from college's bridal showers to finish this thing ... if you have any suggestions for writers block please share!!)
(pps/ this may not be the right forum for this, but are you going to be in pgh this summer? we need to hang out before i move to philly!).
(ppss/ <-- not sure what comes after pps... but it's nice that you still read my blog - thanks! (finals time, eh?))
mjs, at 1:02 AM
oh, of course. michel. i am french. that much is clear.
but haven't you heard of the auld alliance?
scotland and france were allied against the english. so i was sent to fight for the scots. how depressing. how i miss my little french hamlet. but nope, now i'm not even in scotland. i'm a prisoner-of-war (thank God not an enemy combatant though) in england. but that's okay, b/c next week the scottish will capture me back anyways.
but seriously, i think you're right. it's not so bad to be in a different gen than your sig other perhaps. just the same i'm going to stay a y. b/c i really am a y. i never cared much for the cold war anyhow. if you wanna be a y, then i'm glad to have ya. if not, well it makes sense -- you are my older sister, as it just so happens.
okay then. not finished with law school yet. sorry 'bout that. i'll hold my congrats off a few days. but yes, i have a job in pittsburgh this summer so i'll be here. we should definitely hang out. and yes, of course i still read your blog. i like to blogs b/c then i know all my friends are still alive and kickin' even if i'm too lazy or busy to get around to calling.
finals? yuppers, lots of work. but i ended up liking conlaw this semester, so it made it nicer. anyhow, it's a funny thing b/c i read enough law students' blogs to have realized that they actually seem to get updated more during finals than at other times... go figure....
btw, it's funny b/c i looked back here on your blog before going to brush my teeth for bed b/c i thought to myself that you'd probably be up. i know you too well. okay, off to bed fer me. catch ya later (a bientôt).
michel w
Anonymous, at 1:55 AM
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