

Things I like this week

  1. Adbusters magazine: on top of my address label it says how many issues I have left in my subscription
  2. always and forever will I love to find cds I want for $6.00 new (+ $2.00 shipping)
  3. Carnegie Library: because the comics have gotten too expensive and the children's section helped me to conquer my French for lawyers midterm - a 5 pg pamphlet (in French) on the history of American laywers
  4. Picture phones: if only I knew people who had a picture phone other than Doug's mom, my brother and sister
  5. On Demand: Sundance Festival Dailies have become like a soap opera to me
  6. Rebates: this is a mixed blessing - b/c of rebates I got a wireless router for 9.99 and my picture phone...but why do they have to make them such a pain in the ass? price discrimination at its finest.
  7. I Heart Huckabees: There were parts when I was embarrassed for the movie but overall I give it an 8.9 - just the confidence I needed to make my film (too bad that some of my themes were in this movie! G'damn that Waking Life theory - well, the one I heard in Waking Life - about knowledge being out there and how the same idea can come to a few people in a relatively small amount of time...i'm tired, i'm not explaining this well).
  8. Seth and Summer back together: still not sure how I feel about the spiderman kiss - was it so cheesy it was cool or did it just go too far...

I'm too positive to include all the things I didn't like from this week but surely it would include not being able to go to Wine Tasting at the Warhol and Erik's party.


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