

Cause I haven't in a few years

Who Am I

Name = Melissa
Piercings = Two; one in each ear
Tattoos = None
Height = 5 foot 3 and almost a full inch
Shoe size =
Hair color = light brown with red hair dye (by now probably just some highlights, if you catch it the right way in the sun)Hair length = not long enough - my last hair cut (november) I went for a corporate look, mid-boob
Siblings = thankfully

Movies you rented = Y tu Mama Tambien
Movies you bought = I was about to buy "Before Sunset" but...I think it was Masters of the Universe
Song you listened to = Something by M. Ward on an NPR show
Song that was stuck in your head = "Show me love and what its all about, alright" - hey, "Show me love" is a cute, Swedish lesbian, chick flick featuring that song and hence, making it cool :-)
Cd you bought = "We were Born in a Flame" by Sam Roberts
Cd you listened to = Paste CD sampler..mmmmmmm
Person you've called = My parents house
Person that's called you = Doug
Tv show you've watched =
Person you were thinking of = shit, I keep thinking who I was thinking of and thinking of more and more people

You wish you could live somewhere else = I live in Pittsburgh. This is pretty obvious. Unless you catch me on a good day.
You think about suicide = Yes, and decided that I love my family too much.
You believe in online dating = do I have faith in this stuff? I might be a cynic but I'm not judgmental of others
Others find you attractive = I know Doug does.
You want more piercings = Not now, but when I was younger
You drink = milk? yes. juice? yes. wine? yes. beer? yes. Strongbow? yes. Tap water? No. Its one of my snob traits.
You smoke = no, smell bothers me but (close your kids ears) I think it looks cool.
You like cleaning = Once I get started. But, I hardly ever get started.
You like roller coasters
= emotional ones?
You write in cursive or print = kinda like a half and half thing. It also depends if I'm tired or in a hurry. Print usually shows more alertness.
You carry a donor card = No, but I wish it was on my PA


Long distance relationships = For or against seems too limited here. I'm not for them ("sign me up") but I'm not the type to break up with someone who I care about (caveat: depends on time apart - 10 years might be stretching it)
Using someone = If its a mutual using relationship, I won't complain (using is a crass term for doing favors too). Its the one-sided using that gets to me.
Killing people = Yea, not so into this
Teenage smoking = I'm against but I'm not their mom. plus, 18 year olds are teens.
Driving drunk = against and too scared to try
Gay/lesbian relationship = I'm down.
Soap operas = Does the O.C. count?

Food = Soup.
Song = Anything thats melancholy and happy at the same time
Thing to do = think
Thing to talk about = hrm, I'll put it this way, I like to analyze people, situations and world problems outloud with friends
Sports = eating
Drinks = smoothies
= Jeans, t-shirts, dr pants ("scrubs")
= look at my profile
= look at my profile
Holiday = Thanksgiving (not for historical reasons)
New nerdy saying
= "Wait..."
Disney movie = Beauty and the Beast.
Scent = laundry or Doug's B.O. (a secret: I like the smell of my own spit)
Word = wait, I used to have one. I do love Q words. Quibble sounds nice.
Nickname = I like Mel, hate Melissa, wish I could have the nickname MJ (pre- and post-Spiderman).
Guy name = Douglas
Girl name = Madison, Leah
Eye color = Green
Flower = Gerber Daisies or stargazer lillies
Piercing = don't think I have one
Actress = not sure right now - depends on my mood - Merryl Streep, Uma Thurman, Diane Keaton

Birthday: October 11th
Religion: born Jewis
Whatcha wearing? A green tee and jeans
How long since you've showered?
last night
What taste is in your mouth? sore throat.
What are you listening to
? the sound of freddi digging in her cage
How d'you feel? sick
What book are ya reading? Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and Everything is Illuminated (always a few), not to mention law school books
Sock color? none, but usually black or white (i'm plain)

The last...
Person you kissed: Doug.
Person you hugged: Doug.
Person you dated
: Pre-Doug? Mike V, who is engaged btw!
Person who said they loved you
: My Dad.
Thing you ate
: Yogurt and pretzels
Thing you broke: I guess doug's computer - but it wasn't my fault - the program started downloading itself!
Thing you fixed
: I cleaned the bed after Freddi peed next to my head during my nap b/c I wasn't giving her enough attention
Person whose hair you cut? Doug makes me shave his neck.
Show you went to: Rent, time #3. Wait, maybe "Embedded", Tim Robbins play.

Have you ever...
Been in love? Yes
Been out of love? Yes
Been repulsed by someone you thought you loved? Yes
Flooded your house? Does the toilet count?
Flooded somebody else's house? Does the toilet count?
Gone vegan? Never the furthest I'll stay from meat is my no-beef b/c of Mad Cow scare (Mad Cow is much too like rabies for me to not be scared)
Taken a vow of celibacy? I wanted to
Cheated on somebody? Yes
Been cheated on? Not sure

Place: Toronto, Seattle, Maine in the summer
Facial expression: a huge smile
Stand-up comic
: Mitch Hedberg!

Is the most attractive male you know? Doug
Is the most attractive female you know? My mom
Is your hero? Not sure yet, probably my parents or Yorick from Y the Last Man

Girls or guys? Both
Long or short hair? Long for me! On others? I have to see them and then decide
Short or tall
? tall
Scruffy or tidy?
scruffy but not too scruffy. tidy but not too tidy.
Smoking or non
? Non. Did I mention the smell bothers me?
Peaches or pears? Peaches. Wait, nectarines.

What three CD's/records/tapes are you listening to incessantly these days?: the Zombies, Paste's new CD, Arcade Fire (a few weeks ago)
Physical feature for which you are most often complimented: eyes?
Term of endearment that really pisses you off: Monster.
Thing you say most when pissed off
: Fuck you.
Play any instruments? Used to play the piano. I can still play the spinning song!


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