

Not to Get Academic

How much don't I know? I don't know a lot. I know that I will never be able to quantify exactly how much I just don't know. Take Rwanda, for example. Pre-2005, I did not give Rwanda much thought. I sorta remember learning about Rwanda in my 6th grade history class. (Go Mr. Epstein! Be your bad progressive ol' self you. Teach those 11 year olds about ethnic cleansing). But with my minute critical thinking skills, I just processed the whole ordeal as "mean". (Oh, and I thought that the Hutus and Tutsis had funny names.)

Now, I know more because I am enrolled in a crimes against humanities class. And, of course, there is Don Cheadle.

But, same with Yugoslavia.

Pretty much, I had no idea how I felt about the Clinton Administrations foreign policy decisions. (Clinton...wasn't he the guy that got to third base or something? Wait, he smoked pot too, didn't he? Great! That means I still have a chance to be president!).

One might say, what can be expected of a middle-schooler or a high-schooler? I'm not exactly sure. But, what about a law student? a 50 year old? Plus, in my middle/high school days, I was an honors student. Doesn't that say something about grade inflation or "honors" students? Didn't Dumbledore in book 5 come clean to Harry that his mistake was trying to hide things from Harry, to protect Harry b/c he thought Harry was too young? Maybe critically thinking about genocide and the like at age 11 is better because its easy to see the moral wrongness without being bogged down in legal or economic rhetoric. Innocence breeds insight. Don't kids say the darndest things?

How many of you guys know what is currently happening in Darfur? Or Haiti? I'm not testing you. Heck, I hardly know and I'm working for IJDH!

Just seems frightening. Everything else that is going on in the world while Michael Jackson's hospitalization and the steroid problem of the 80s or 90s Texas Rangers flood the news.

Whew. Sorry for that aside. On a happier note, I got to watch an episode of Daria last night that I never saw before. A rare but pleasurable occassion.


  • Well, you got all academic on me, so I got ever academicer.

    No, seriously though, if you want something to do instead of read for your classes, you could check out my response to your blog entry. It's on my blog ( -- for all those hoards of folks who might want to check it out).

    What can I say... I was bored.

    : )

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:41 PM  

  • And last month I can't believe they interrupted the last five minutes of the new CSI episode to tell me that some camel fucker in MessO'Potamia died. Those mutha's at CBS really have got to get their priorities straight.

    Did anyone catch the last episode of Gilmore girls?


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:13 AM  

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