

To make the girls jealous and the boys feel inadequate - Welcome to gender stereotyping!


Valentine's day.


Girls shudder.
or eat chocolate
or pretend its not there
or become a feminist

Boys laugh.
or become slaves
or vomit
or become a feminist


Truth is
there's always next year
make up sex is kind
relationships have their moments
single life is taken for granted
No one is happy.

....Except for me.

my presents:

  • Doug did dishes & laundry (this is worth a lot in my book);
  • he made me a beautiful bouquet (equally as valuable);
  • he is cooking me dinner out of the soup bible (soup is my favorite food);
  • he is giving me a foot massage/pedicure (oh how I love my feet to be touched. reflexology is science.);
  • and! he is taking me to see Bad Education (an independent film noir about the catholic church and gay men...right up doug's alley!).
I'm loved.


  • Yea, I've basically made my decision to go to Pitt.
    Wisconsin and Iowa deferred me, and even if they come through, I've decided I don't have any interest in living in a college town for the next three years, or living in any of the cities where most of their grads are placed (Milwaukee, Chicago, Twin Cities, St. Louis). I still haven't heard from Temple, but I'm pretty sure I like Pitt better.

    Pitt is a good school to be sure, but this really comes down to the city. It's not perfect (bankrupt), but I think it has a lot of character. It's the kind of place I could live for the rest of my life. I like Philly too, but it's a tad overwhelming for me (I've been there 5 or 6 times).

    As for the scholarship, I'm probably going to pull out of consideration. It's only $10k/ year. And I talked to Charmaine McCall (FinAid Director) about it. She said that the scholarship, at least in its current form, is new this year. So that means that they're pretty serious about actually committing to making your livelihood through public service. I'd love to do this -- and I'm sure I will a few years after graduation. But there's no way for me to be able to do this out of undergrad. Even with 10k/year, I'd have at least $80,000 of debt from LS (+20 k from UG). And that's before interest is tacked on.

    This is my dilemma. I haven't found a school that I can attend without getting into a crazy amount of debt -- too much to practice public interest law. Even Wayne State would leave me with probably 70k +20 from UG.

    But I really do want to go to LS. Everyday that I work in my current job makes me surer that I want to do something that challenges me more.

    : ) Mike

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:13 AM  

  • Oh, and P.S.

    Screw you for being happy on Valentines Day...

    : ) Mike

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:14 AM  

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