

Dead Body

Today, I saw my first dead body. I think. I was on my way to school and I saw the police carrying this body out of a house. The guy was hunched over. It took five police - gravity's a bummer. The guy's feet weren't touching the ground. There was no stretcher but I saw the ambulance come down the street and it didn't even have its lights on, which makes me think it wasn't an emergency for the guy to get to the hospital.

All the neighbors were outside. We like to see news in action.

Now Playing: Paste Magazine's newest cd sampler. Its on par with my mood. Delicious.


  • Wow, that's an odd experience. It's funny how removed we are from death these days. It's interesting that you could have gone 23 years w/o seeing a dead body. Did you ever go to an open casket funeral? Although this is somewhat different b/c there's an extra element when you actually see the guy being brought out of his home. I'm not sure if Jewish people even have open casket funerals though. I know some religions don't.

    I still remember seeing a dead body for the first time. I must have been about six. It was my Grandma on my dad's side. She still had the same kind, jowly face. My dad asked me if I wanted to touch her, and I did. She was cold, and it was so curious to think about the fact that she so obviously had no life left in her, especially as a six year old.

    : ) Mike

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:15 AM  

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