

Two more reasons why I love Kirk

1. We go to a "radical bookstore" today because it's my friend Erik's birthday and he said he wanted bookmarks. I recently heard about this place after I complimented one of my new pals at mediation training on her awesome planner. It was kinda homemade with neat artwork and the dates had all this activist stuff (e.g. on my birthday 11 girls were killed in riots in some foreign country) Yea. Radical.

In case you didn't travel to their website. Here is The Big Idea's mission statement:

the idea :
We are dedicated to the active promotion of radical/alternative cultures through community networking and the distribution of literature. We hope to create a safe and accessible space for people to take part in an open and empowering community. We actively support politics and lifestyles that we deem as alternative, multicultural, woman-positive, queer-positive, class-concious, and all the things that promote a sustainable community. All who attend meetins are welcome to participate in the decision-making process.

So, I needed to buy Erik a present and I wanted to check this place out anyway. I figure bookstore...they gotta have bookmarks. Boy was I wrong. They had books. And pamphlets. And bikes painted onto strips of material. And records entitled "Two Minutes of Hate" (yay! i actually got the 1984 reference even though I still haven't finished that book). But no freakin' bookmarks.

Well, Kirk, um, he's not an activist. sidenote: except for opposing "male genital mutilation" or as us healthier people like to say "circumcision". Other than that, if he is an activist, it's only because he actively detests left-wing activists (not personally, but in general).

So we go into this tiny bookstore that features Bell Hooks and Noam Chomsky (I bought a book called "Haiti: A Slave Revolution") and he just keeps saying loud comments about how much he hates everyone in there. There was a poster on the wall of how many countries the US bombed since World War 2. It was making a statement as to the United States' brutality. Yet, Kirk was like "F*ck yea!"

Now, usually, I'd be embarrassed or mad or something. But Kirks irrational hatred just makes me laugh.

2. Now, everyone knows today is "Spring Forward." (But did you know that we have Daylight Savings time thanks to a Pittsburgher? (those who ride Port Authority Buses probably do) Search that page for Robert Garland and you'll find:

Robert Garland, a Pittsburgh city councilman, was the local chairman of the War Resources Committee when he promoted the idea of advancing clocks one hour during the summer months to make more productive use of daylight. His "Daylight Savings Time" idea was enacted into law by Congress in 1918.

Anyway, controversial or not, how many people love more sunlight? Everyone. How many people love to Spring Forward and lose an hour of sleep? Kirk. The main man says, "Me and my roommate after college contemplated having a Spring Forward party..."

I'm not saying that I don't love more sunlight. I'm just saying that the holiday begins after tomorrow night when we get back to a regular nights sleep. Spring Forward itself just sucks and steals precious sleep time. I'm not a vampire, although, arguably I am a recluse or a shut-in. I love the effects of Spring Forward but not Spring Forward itself. But Kirk thinks of it in a different way. He says one measely hour of sleep is well worth the "effects" that I seem to love too. Kirk is an optimist, which is another reason why I love him.


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