IT'S MY LAST SPRING BREAK!!! (unless I ever fulfill those dreams of being an economics professor...)
It's spring break. I should be excited, right? Instead, I'm nervous. I plan to go job searching in Philadelphia and pretend that I'm a student at Temple, Penn and Villanova and steal their job postings.
So with all my pent-up anxiety, I might as well vent about a few things that I don't like (i haven't done that in quite awhile...or, at least, not on this blog).
1. I hate how there are no fun tools to play with on the Safari version of blogger. I know that there is Camino (the Mac version of Firefox) but I want tools and I want Safari and I want them together. Don't get me wrong. I love Firefox. But, I find that Safari matches most things that I like about Firefox. It has the cute little icons next to the url. It filters out most pop-ups. It has Tabs (although I prefer non-tabs). Camino just doesn't do it for me. For some reason, its slower to connect (maybe that's my f'd up internet connection); it always remembers my passwords and its so annoying to change usernames... So, can Safari just bring forth the cool tools like bold, underline, easy hyperlinks (so i don't have to remember that long a href... thing???)
2. Friends hating Friend's enemies: I have mixed feelings about this because I am a big fan of loyalty. And, since this situation came up a few times this month, I decided that I have to figure out where I draw my own line.
Here is the hypothetical situation that induced my line drawing:
Blackacre is close friends with Whiteacre. Whiteacre and Greenacre hate each other with a passion. Somehow Blackacre becomes friends/acquaintances with Greenacre without knowing about Whiteacre and Greenacre's feud. Whiteacre would like Blackacre to hate Greenacre just as much as Whiteacre does. Blackacre now has to make a decision about each of the friendships.
[There are also variations to this. Maybe only Whiteacre hates Greenacre but Greenacre is indifferent or likes Whiteacre. Or, maybe Blackacre and Greenacre were acquaintances first. But you catch my drift.]
In my monthly study, I have decided that most of the time any disagreements, such as the one between Whiteacre and Greenacre, are merely misunderstandings blown out of proportion. Usually, if Blackacre thought that Greenacre was a cool person, Greenacre probably is still a cool person and Blackacre should just be cordial to all parties. Blackacre may want to express their choice of action with Whiteacre so Whiteacre doesn't think that Blackacre is going behind their back, but Whiteacre should respect Blackacre's need for neutrality. I think that is all a part of growing up. And you can't hate everyone.
Which brings me to #3....
3. People who hate other people for no reason. B/c usually the hated people are the coolest people around (and pull together awesome symposiums) and the others are just jealous.
4. People who expect things (e.g. reviews of their mixed cd) and get angry when they don't get them but don't give those things (in return or preemptively).
5. lastly, with all this venting, I will fess up about something that I hate about myself. I hate how I irrationally hate people. Although facially this may conflict with #3, I irrationally hate people who I don't know, will never know, and will probably never see again. For example, this extreme hatred fills up in me when I am in a hurry (or an irritable mood) and employees (at let's say Panera or Quiznos or Gus Miller's Shop) are slow when giving me back change or dealing with customers in front of me OR when those customers in front of me are slow with counting their precise change or deciding what they want to order (er, I realize that I do this too when I am not in a hurry......(See: Things I Don't Like #4)...which makes my hatred no less extreme but all the more irrational). This hatred swells when people on the bus rush to get the seat of someone getting off and then block the whole aisle so the people behind them can't get off OR at the bus driver if the bus isn't on time.
I would say that I've learned how to better cope with my irrational hatred in the past year but still, can a girl lighten up a bit?
So with all my pent-up anxiety, I might as well vent about a few things that I don't like (i haven't done that in quite awhile...or, at least, not on this blog).
1. I hate how there are no fun tools to play with on the Safari version of blogger. I know that there is Camino (the Mac version of Firefox) but I want tools and I want Safari and I want them together. Don't get me wrong. I love Firefox. But, I find that Safari matches most things that I like about Firefox. It has the cute little icons next to the url. It filters out most pop-ups. It has Tabs (although I prefer non-tabs). Camino just doesn't do it for me. For some reason, its slower to connect (maybe that's my f'd up internet connection); it always remembers my passwords and its so annoying to change usernames... So, can Safari just bring forth the cool tools like bold, underline, easy hyperlinks (so i don't have to remember that long a href... thing???)
2. Friends hating Friend's enemies: I have mixed feelings about this because I am a big fan of loyalty. And, since this situation came up a few times this month, I decided that I have to figure out where I draw my own line.
Here is the hypothetical situation that induced my line drawing:
Blackacre is close friends with Whiteacre. Whiteacre and Greenacre hate each other with a passion. Somehow Blackacre becomes friends/acquaintances with Greenacre without knowing about Whiteacre and Greenacre's feud. Whiteacre would like Blackacre to hate Greenacre just as much as Whiteacre does. Blackacre now has to make a decision about each of the friendships.
[There are also variations to this. Maybe only Whiteacre hates Greenacre but Greenacre is indifferent or likes Whiteacre. Or, maybe Blackacre and Greenacre were acquaintances first. But you catch my drift.]
In my monthly study, I have decided that most of the time any disagreements, such as the one between Whiteacre and Greenacre, are merely misunderstandings blown out of proportion. Usually, if Blackacre thought that Greenacre was a cool person, Greenacre probably is still a cool person and Blackacre should just be cordial to all parties. Blackacre may want to express their choice of action with Whiteacre so Whiteacre doesn't think that Blackacre is going behind their back, but Whiteacre should respect Blackacre's need for neutrality. I think that is all a part of growing up. And you can't hate everyone.
Which brings me to #3....
3. People who hate other people for no reason. B/c usually the hated people are the coolest people around (and pull together awesome symposiums) and the others are just jealous.
4. People who expect things (e.g. reviews of their mixed cd) and get angry when they don't get them but don't give those things (in return or preemptively).
5. lastly, with all this venting, I will fess up about something that I hate about myself. I hate how I irrationally hate people. Although facially this may conflict with #3, I irrationally hate people who I don't know, will never know, and will probably never see again. For example, this extreme hatred fills up in me when I am in a hurry (or an irritable mood) and employees (at let's say Panera or Quiznos or Gus Miller's Shop) are slow when giving me back change or dealing with customers in front of me OR when those customers in front of me are slow with counting their precise change or deciding what they want to order (er, I realize that I do this too when I am not in a hurry......(See: Things I Don't Like #4)...which makes my hatred no less extreme but all the more irrational). This hatred swells when people on the bus rush to get the seat of someone getting off and then block the whole aisle so the people behind them can't get off OR at the bus driver if the bus isn't on time.
I would say that I've learned how to better cope with my irrational hatred in the past year but still, can a girl lighten up a bit?
AWWW, come on Melissa, from the title I expected to read about the scary fact that this is it--the VERY LAST time we will enjoy a week's vacation in the early spring to do nothing. I wanted you to take me through your early college years and talk about your wild and crazy spring breaks which will go down in history in Michagan--but i didn't get that. I am sad to say that i am a little dissapointed--ha ha--well have a good spring beak and i will try to read your blog on a regular basis.
Anonymous, at 4:28 PM
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