

The New Craze. And I'm not talking about Podcasts.

But I will briefly note that I really like Slate's Podcasts (especially the one about VH1). Usually less than fifteen minutes, they are perfect to catch up on current events on the bus ride to work or home from school. I also appreciate the videopodcasts. I've taken to catching up on all of my Strongbad e-mail videos (bad habit). Except (sorry if I've mentioned this already) but can apple increase the battery power on the Generation 5 iPods?

No, but back to my point. The new craze. Maybe its just my new craze but I'm obsessed with flavored water. I'll admit, I wasn't a big fan when it first came out but now? You can definitely catch me chugging down Fruit(subscript2)0 or Flavor Splash Aquafina anyday of the week. True, it kinda leaves a weird citrus-y feeling in the back of my throat (almost like I'm going to puke) but I just can't stop. And (contrary to popular belief?) I'm not the only one.

Some brief points about flavored water. Do NOT get it confused with plain ol' sparkling water (imho, ick!) or Clearly Canadian (or any fruit soda for that matter. My personal favorite? Fresca. Yum.) This is no replacement for them. Instead, it's water sans bubbles plus Splenda-induced "fruit flavor". Delicious.


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