

can i stop buying soundtracks?

i was kinda late. usually, by the end of January or whenever i get my student loan check, i dump at least $70 on cds.

yesterday, i finally caught up and purchased three cds but can i stop buying soundtracks? buy #1 (b/c I already owned the score by Air...or at least, I used to before my external hard drive crashed and I *refuse* to buy any cds that I can (potentially) re-access), buy #2 (my love for French music), and buy #3. That's 66.6%

anyone have good recommendations as to how I can fill the rest of my "quota"?

and I *have* to go to the post office tonight to send out my second music monsters cd. (um, hello! i finished it like 2 weeks ago...). thankfully the usps extended their hours until 7 pm (yay, com pet ition!!)


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