

Book Recommendations

Nowadays, I find that I most often recommend music to people or have people recommend music to me, which makes me wonder: where have all of those book recommendations gone?

Maybe it's because I already have a long "list" of books that I want to read before I die that people don't find the need to recommend them to me. Maybe it's because I haven't talked "books" since college (interpreted, critiqued, commented upon). Maybe it's because nothing has been "so amazing" and recommendation worthy recently.

Last summer, a few friends of mine were going to do a book club (erik, jennifer r., tatyana...more but i can't remember...). Two books were thrown out as recommendations - "Pastoralia" & "Don't Think of An Elephant" but we never got around to meeting (the book club idea was thrown out near the end of spring semester & we all went our separate ways during the summer).

Point is, I've known about this (which I might add, deserves (or deserved, if it has won in the past) a Webby Award) and this for awhile but not about this (maybe b/c the site runs so slowly once you put in your favorite author!!)

But, computer generation of what I like is so passe, if you read this, please drop me a recommendation & maybe a one word description of why. Its about time that I add to my list.


  • If you’re looking for a good page-turner, read The Delta Project by Mark Earnest. It’s a new mystery / thriller that weaves together two plots: a detective trying to solve a mystery of dead and disappearing bodies; and a post 9/11 military conspiracy. How they come together will blow you away! This is not the typical serial killer stuff. It kept me guessing and wanting more.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:56 AM  

  • I saw the author of "whyt Zebras don't get ulcers" speak at the carnegie music hall - he was fantastic (funny / erudite). It's a BioPsyche kinds book, but with a lot of comedy (really) anyway, I bought it for my brother, though I've only read one chapter.

    - Adam

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:43 AM  

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