

Flu in the Summer

Okay, I probably don't have the flu. Yet. After a week of being surrounded by people who are sick or almost sick and allergy season now full in bloom...I think it's true. I think I'm sick. I've been trying to fight it - sucking on those nasty Cold-Eez (zinc) drops, drinking lots of fluids - but it caught up with me. I feel achy & I am coughing and sneezing. I tried to keep my seat as close to my friend who was sick last week knowing that she was probably immune from whatever this is. (Obviously, without being *too* close to her...)

Studying sucks when sick. Being in public sucks when sick.

Now I just need to find my appetite.

Bright side: i guess its better to get it over with now than be sick for the bar.


  • Just get a lot of sleep. Lots and lots of sleep -- that's the ticket!

    Mike W

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:26 PM  

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