

Bar exam #2

Whew. I am tired. Today, I got back into the swing of things. Of course, I didn't do my assigned hw for today but I did do my assigned homework from yesterday. I really think I need to start listening to people and just do problems. It takes me *forever* to read these long outlines. So, I did my first timed 45 minute essay and I found that I was not under any time pressure...mostly because I had no idea what I was talking about. I should be fair to myself, though, and say that this essay was for NJ. Unfortunately, the location where I am taking my bar classes at is not on the same schedule as the one at school, which offers NJ classes. Still, I felt that my location was better because the classes are at 9 am (and mostly live!). I figured the bar exam is a mind/body/confidence test and I should get into the swing of things (waking up relatively early) which wouldn't happen if I did the later classes. So, what this means is that I had to take my first NJ essay on Constitutional law, which the class at school covered last week, completely COLD. My class doesn't cover con law until this Friday. Sure, I read through the outline but I realized that the outline goes in one ear & out the other (or goes in one eye...). I really think my dad's "push the pencil" advice from grade-school math applies to the bar exam too. Until I sit down and do problems nothing really sinks in.

Although I totally bombed that essay, it was good practice for seeing worst case scenario (what can i remember from first year con law?). It was also good for my discipline - the essay was due today...I was gonna just turn it in on the makeup day (June 30th) but I decided that I might as well just go for it.

In other good news, I finally read through my New Jersey *introduction* materials and I realized that most of the Jersey bar exam essays are actually multi-state subjects (at least in recent years...). Yay! That just means extra practice for me & not as much extra studying as I thought.

Okay, well, this is completely boring for people who are not taking the bar. and probably boring for those who are taking the bar.

...and as a last note, I love how we're back to the stage of our lives where each second is so precious...and you just hate that wait in line or that need to eat food because, gosh, that's time you could be studying...that's kinda sarcastic but a sense of urgency is also kinda nice.

I've decided that i get an hour and a half lunch from the end of the Barbri class until the time I start when those people pop up & rush out or get mad at the long store/bank/restaurant line...I get to do my errands...I kinda like having the middle of the day to myself because then I get to work hard well into the night. and, as you probably know, i'm very nocturnal.


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