

New Year's Resolutions & Lawyers

So there were a few people I wanted to meet this year (or at least a.s.a.p). Actually, there are a lot of people who I want to meet this year but I'm specifically referring to the Wrens and Bernadine Dorhn.

And, I guess meeting them wasn't a New Years Resolution, per se. I mean, I didn't put a timeline on when I wanted to meet them. Truthfully, they would've been on my "to meet" list (if I had a to meet list) as soon as I knew who they were. In fact, as soon as I watched the Weather Underground and really learned about Bernadine Dorhn and realized she took her activist background and became a law professor at UChicago, I wrote a French paper about her. Before the movie, I was familiar with her partner - Bill Ayers - but not her. I'm always impressed with cool lawyers b/c I have hands-on experience with a lot of non-cool lawyers.

Well, guess what? She is a speaker for the 10th annual exhibition of art by michigan prisoners!!! "She will give a keynote talk and participate in our youthspeak panel" - says my PCAP associate newsletter.

Secondly, (although this is no particular order) I wanted to meet the guys from the Wrens. I sent them an e-mail last semester (i posted it to my xanga site, i think). Anyway, Greg responded and told me that the Wrens were planning to play in Pittsburgh and I could be their guest!! Plus, he said he would send me a Wrens carepackage (which came in the mail today!). Well, I can't see any dates posted for the Wrens online but...they are playing in Hoboken, NJ the second weekend of my spring break. I think I may have to give Larry R-W a call to let me stay at his place in Hoboken. Did I mention - in his e-mail, Greg told me that he went to law school before the Wrens?! Two cool lawyers! There is hope...

Yay, so two down.

Btw, I think tomorrow I might get a gym membership. I told doug that I wouldn't get one until February b/c people never fulfill their new year's "i'll lose weight" resolutions. If we started in February, I figured, it wouldn't be a new years promise doomed to be broken.

but we'll see. its still 1/31 so i have 24 more hours of being a slug.


  • Hey Melissa,

    It's Mike. Yes, you sure make life confusing for your loyal blog-reading public : ) JK

    Okay, so if you meet the Wrens, I'll officially hate you. No, not really, but I'm becoming quite the fan.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:07 AM  

  • i figure genuine loyal readers will follow. the others are just weak traitors.

    life is difficult. play hard.

    X-treme blogging, here.

    gosh, i'm tired and in another world - in my dreams lately i'm bossy and not sorry for anything. Akin to the Queen of Hearts, in dream world my motto has become a capricious "off with their heads", can you tell?

    (btw. alice in wonderland is a great book - i'm a big fan of double entendres)

    By Blogger mjs, at 11:45 AM  

  • Hey again,

    My mom send me a long e-mail today about how I should drink more water if I'm tired (b/c she calls like twice a day and I always have to make an excuse for why I can't talk. So she thinks I have chronic problems with being tired). My mom:

    "Somehow, late afternoon, when we came back from Lansing, I drank two glasses of milk and then thought oh, I will try some water. I felt a bit better. Then I drank another two or three glasses of water over the evening or more. I started feeling better almost within hours and perked up with more energy than I have had in two or three days. Weird, scarey. I was thinking of this brain dehydration thing........"

    So there you go Melissa. Your solution to being tired, from my mom.

    : ) Mike

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:55 PM  

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